
Safeguarding and child protection.

At Windham Nursery School, we take the safeguarding of our children seriously. We all have a shared responsibility and a duty of care to safeguard our community. All members of staff, as well as volunteers and those who visit the school regularly, are all subject to enhanced DBS checks to ensure their suitability for working with children.

At Windham, staff are trained to know what to do should a safeguarding issue arise. Our volunteers undergo a comprehensive safeguarding training so that they, too, are aware of our procedures.

Mobile phones are not permitted to be used on site by visitors or volunteers, and staff have all agreed to a comprehensive mobile phone policy and do not use their phone when children are around.


We are vigilant, proactive and have robust  safeguarding and child protection procedures to ensure all our children and staff are safe.


If you have any concerns please speak to a member of our Designated safeguarding Team (as shown below) directly or Claire Salama who is the Safeguarding governor on


Safeguarding children from harm is at the centre of everything we do at Windham, and it should be reflected in all of our school policies. The following policies are most applicable to safeguarding and can be found under the ‘policies’ section of our website;

  • Anti-radicalisation.
  • Child protection & safeguarding.
  • E-safety.
  • Missing & uncollected child.
  • Whistleblowing.

We also have a team with designated responsibility for safeguarding, as shown below.

Additional contacts:


For reference: Single point of access phone number is: 0208547 5008 (out of office number 0208770 5000)


The LADO is the Local Authority Designated officer: 020 8891 7370

They would be contacted for  reporting and managing allegations against adults who work or volunteer in Kingston and Richmond with children

 LADO  can be contacted through SPA.

Parent Support

Where to go if you need support. Below are some useful links, but please remember we are here to help and will always make time to support our families
For any other information surrounding saegaurding please see the below Websites:

Beverley Turner (Designated Safeguarding Lead) Claire Salama (Governor Safeguarding Officer)



Safeguarding Team

Jo Berry Georgina Dearman
             Julia Neumann Giovanni Madigan