Planning the curriculum

The Nursery and Jigsaw teams takes pride in the thorough curriculum planning undertaken to meet the needs of the children. Thorough planning ensures that we are able to offer high quality, relevant learning experiences.

Our planning is based on long, medium and short-term objectives:

  • long-term plans detail the learning opportunities available through our continuous provision;
  • medium-term plans describe the enhancement of our continuous provision to meet learning needs and follow our children’s fascinations;
  • short-term plans detail the weekly provision, adapting it to meet the children's interests and needs. A copy of the weekly information sheet is attached to the entrance door to the nursery for your information.

Evaluation of the previous week takes place at the weekly planning meeting at lunchtime, attended by all the staff and any students based at the nursery.

Planning, Recording and Reporting for individual children – Every child is regularly observed and assessed. From these observations and assessments the staff set individual targets to ensure each child reaches their full potential.

Various methods are used to record observations: written notes, assessments, photos and samples of work. We integrate observations from parents, other professionals and children's own comments into our records.

All records are open and shared with parents during your child's time at the nursery.

Jigsaw staff meet regularly with parents to discuss the children's comprehensive Individual Education Plans.
The school takes pride in its inclusive approach and aims to break down any barriers of learning for all children.


Please click on the attachment below for the EYFS guide.

Play and observe sessions

In the Spring Term we invite each parent to join us in the nursery for a session.

This will give you a better opportunity to see the nursery from your child’s perspective, join their friends in play and give you a better understanding of what is on offer. Look out for the list in the Spring Term and sign up for your session.

Additionally you are very welcome to stay for the Rocking Horse Club and join your child for their lunch and play.  You can do this either on the same day as your play and observe in the nursery or on a different day of your choosing.

Please see Georgina with any questions, or Tania in the RHC.

This is a wonderful opportunity to see your child hard at work playing in the nursery. Once your child has settled we will invite you to spend a session playing and observing your child. Some parents comments have been "I did not realise how independent my child is" and "I've always been quite shy with children myself, I can see I need to loosen up a bit and play more games with my child".



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