
Although Windham does not have a compulsory uniform, T-shirts, sweatshirts and book bags are available to buy from the school reception.

We recommend that children come to school wearing appropriate, washable clothes as they are often involved in practical, sometimes messy, activities.

In order to encourage your child’s independent skills, trousers with elasticated waists and shoes with Velcro fastenings are recommended.

Children's shoes should cover their toes and should not be loose fitting. They should be appropriate for running, jumping and climbing activities.

In the summer, hats should be worn at all times and children's shoulders should be covered when outside. Please remember to apply sunscreen before your child comes to nursery.

Outside provision is offered every day, so please make sure your child has outer clothing appropriate for the weather. Outdoor clothing should be named and coats need a loop so they can be hung on a peg.

If your child needs their clothes changing when they are at school we will use clothes from our store. We are always looking for donations of clothes to keep this box filled up. We ask that you return the clothes to us once they have been washed.

Please label all items of clothing - we are not responsible for lost clothing. We keep lost property items for one term; after that it is taken to a local charity shop.