Get extra funding for your early years provider


If your child is in early years education, your early years provider could be eligible for extra funding to help support your child.

Early years pupil premium

From April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders and other childcare providers have been able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premuim (EYPP) to support children’s development, learning and care. All children agred three and four (not two year olds0, who meet the eligibility criteria will benefit from the funding. This funding is paid to us on an hourly basis, linked to claimed hours for entitled children.The annual value for a 15 hour place over a full year is £353.


Which 3 and 4 Year Olds are Eligable for EYPP?

A child will be eligible for the EYPP if they:

  1. Have been adopted from care;
  2. Have left care into special guardianship;
  3. Have been looked after by the local authority for at least the span of one day;
  4. Are subject to a child arrangement order


Who can apply

You can apply for early years pupil premium if your child is aged 3 or 4 and you get 15 hours free childcare.

You must also get at least one of the following:

You may also get early years pupil premium if your child is currently being looked after by a local authority in England or Wales or if your child has left care in England or Wales through:

  • adoption
  • special guardianship order
  • a child arrangements order

How to apply

To apply for early years pupil premium speak to your childcare provider or local council.


What EYPP does for Windham Nursery


Barriers to learning

The barriers of learning are varied across the children eligible for the  the Early Years Pupil Premuim and are addressed in a personalised way. As an Early Years setting, we have the freedom to choose how to spend the money to best support the children entitled to this additional funding. We believe by assessing the needs of individual children considering both their strengths and areas for development we can plan provision and experiences that will enable them to meet their next steps in learning.

We have a range of strategies in place for engaging with parents in order to ensure that we can work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. This includes:

  • An open door policy so that parents and carers are encouraged to talk about their child’s interests and progress on an ongoing basis so that any concerns can be dealt with promptly
  • Curriculum meetings to discuss ‘planning in the moment’ and next steps for learning
  • Autumn and Spring parent meetings to discuss children’s progress and next steps
  • Phone calls/ meetings with parents/carers to discuss particular issues and concerns
  • Regular email communications
  • Weekly newsletters

We are currently using the additional funding in the following ways:

  • Staffing for interventions
  • Provision of lunch club sessions
  • Attendance at Little learners
  • Jigsaw club
  • ‘Chatterbox’ language programme for parents/carers
  • Cultural capital enrichment opportunities e.g: vists from the farm, duck eggs, butterflies, drummers from around the world
  • Resources to support particular interests of the child

Measuring the impact of EPPG

We are continually assessing and evaluating the children’s learning through interactions and observations during play. We also record the children’s attainment related to Birth to 5 matters. Other ways we measure and monitor the impact of EYPP include:

  • Informal conversations at the start and end of a day
  • Regular progress meetings of focus children
  • Parental feedback on Tapestry
  • Parental feedback on process
  • Achievement of individual targets
  • Progress related to provision mapping
  • Conversations with other professionals (if applicable) working with individual children eligible for the EPPG
  • Parent questionnaires


EYPP Allocation 2023-24

N.B Please note snapshot taken on 11.10.23

  • Number of children eligible for EYPP = 9
  • Funding allocation = £3,177